Monday 23 May 2011

Style Guru: Candidate 4

“Only great minds can afford a simple style.”


I know someone who probably has the best mind I know. She is training to become a librarian. But, this lady is more than a librarian. She is a traveller taking on country after country by herself. She is a romantic... falling into a whirlwind romance (see Ryan I told you I would give you an honourary mention!) She is an art mastermind, not only making art but knowing art. She, herself is also a fashionista... a Master of Vintage. This is why my fourth candidate is SABRINA WONG.

Stendhal’s quote sums up Sabrina completely. Her style is simple and beautiful. It is feminine and easy, it emits a level of sophistication and confidence. What I love about Sabrina’s style is it is her own. From one look you can tell what who she is, that is an elegant, bright, friendly and open person. This for me is what fashion and style is all about, using clothes to express yourself.

Now I hand you over to Sabrina herself: -

  • What influences your style?

My sister and friends have great taste, so I often look to them for ideas. I also travel a lot and I’m influenced by what I see. I admire the bright colours of Rajasthan, the effortlessness of Parisian outfits, and the simplicity of Japanese design.

  • Who do you look up to (fashion wise)?

Natalie Portman, Alexa Chung, Carey Mulligan... random people on the street?

  • Favorite Garment?

Make that garments. A light trench coat with three quarter sleeves, which I “borrowed” from my mother. I also love my dark green Seychelles flats with an ankle strap. And a sheer black blouse that my roommate convinced me to buy at a Plenty sale.

  • Favorite Accessory?

My long necklace with a bunch of charms on it, including a metal feather, a clear quartz crystal, and a mini padlock key. It’s a bit of a mishmash. And my hand-me-down Louis Vuitton bag from my aunt.

  • Favorite Designer?

Alber Elbaz for Lanvin. Great vision, great craftsmanship.

  • Favorite Bargain Store?

Joe Fresh. Not the one downtown, but the ones in Superstores in the suburbs. I prefer to buy my groceries, nail polish and t-shirts in one place.

  • Favorite Store?

UNIQLO. Unfortunately, there aren’t any in Vancouver. Perhaps it’s fortunate, otherwise, I would go broke.

  • How did you find “you” in clothes?

Using the scientific method: by wearing a lot of ugly outfits and figuring out what does and doesn’t work on me in terms of colour, cut and fit.

  • What, for you is the biggest fashion no,no?

Buying clothing that’s too small for the sake of the size on the tag.

  • What is one word or phrase sums up your style?

Umm, librarian? I don’t know. In fact, I’m not sure I have a style.

Shout out to Sabrina’s boyfriend Ryan who helped her answer these questions!

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